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Permalink 05:46:21 pm, Categories: News, Background, 277 words   English (US)

KOH in minibatch

Our friend Elias has made the switch to Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst instead of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH aka Lye) when making biodiesel. Others note a faster reaction with KOH vs. NaOH, easier mixing with Methanol, and better wash results - although KOH is more expensive than NaOH. The photo shows the separation between biodiesel (top) and glycerol (bottom) layers in a minibatch made using KOH.
KOH Minibatch

Elias made these process notes:

  1. Made some titrant concentrate: 10 grams of KOH
    dissolved in 1000 mL (1 liter) of distilled water.
  2. Made some titrant solution from the titrant concentrate: pour 50 mL of titrant concentrate into a 1000 mL beaker and then top it off with distilled water up to 500 mL. This solution is what I used to run the titrations.
  3. Made some KOH-based Methoxide concentrate:
    dissolved 50 grams of KOH + 10% (5 grams) more because
    the KOH I bought is 90% pure = 55 grams into 1000 mL
    of Methanol.
  4. Ran three consecutive titrations and settled on 4.8 titration result. Note that this was the same oil I used when I did the titration for the last NaOH based minibatch which gave a titration result of 3.4. So, KOH resulted in a larger titration result.
  5. Catalyst amount formula: 1 liter oil * (4.9g KOH (base) + 4.8g KOH (titration)) = 9.7g KOH needed for minibatch.
  6. Added 9.7 x 20 = 194 mL of the Methoxide concentrate and 26 mL of Methanol to reach at a 220 mL methoxide mixture as recommended by girl Mark to add to the heated WVO.
  7. Heated 1 liter of the oil to 130 F.
  8. Added the 220 mL of Methoxide and Methanol mixture to 1 liter of heated oil and mixed for 15 minutes in mixer.

Here is a good thread with sources of KOH.

Here is a thread on KOH vs. NaOH.

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Comment from: KSandbergFL [Visitor]
Hi. I live in Melbourne. Very interested in learning the process. From poking around on the site, I see that Mr. Victor sometimes does demos? I would love to take a look at his setup and watch a batch being made. Does he announce demo times, or is it by invitation only? Thanks!

Permalink 04/03/06 @ 18:07

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