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Post details: Cape Canaveral user selling 2001 SVO Jetta


Permalink 02:52:16 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], 42 words   English (US)

Cape Canaveral user selling 2001 SVO Jetta

Doug in Cape Canaveral is selling a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta TDI that has been modified to run on Waste Vegetable Oil in addition to diesel/biodiesel. He estimates its mileage at 36mpg with either fuel. If you are interested contact him via email.

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Comment from: victor2008 [Member]
There is some actual good that will come out of the devastation of Hurricane Ike. This story from Greentech Media says Biofuels Power Corp. has announced plans to build a 4-megawatt power plant the will produce electricity from the woodchips and other debris from the storm: The Woodlands, Texas-based company, traded over the counter using the symbol “BFLS,” on Friday signed a preliminary agreement with a wood-waste storage operator, DSMC, and with a consulting firm, Texoga Technologies Corp., that will retrofit abandoned oil wells for carbon-dioxide storage. Biofuels Power and DSMC will each hold a 30 percent equity stake in the project, while Texoga will get 10 percent.
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Real Estate
Permalink 11/01/08 @ 06:08

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