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Post details: WESH reports on UCF student biodiesel home-brewers


Permalink 03:40:26 pm, Categories: News, 203 words   English (US)

WESH reports on UCF student biodiesel home-brewers

Orlando NBC station WESH has a report and video segment online detailing the work of a group of UCF students Students make biodieselthat are converting used Chick-fil-A grease into biodiesel via an Appleseed processor.UCF student appleseed processor The students also donate 20% of their processed fuel to the university for their use in dozens of on-campus diesel vehicles. The story notes the requirement to pay Florida state fuel taxes on home-brewed biodiesel. Overall a pretty accurate report.
Example of content:

They have been draining smelly fryer grease and feeding it to their bio-diesel reactor -- a fancy name for a water heater, some pipes, valves, hoses, and filters that turn grease and two household chemicals into fuel. The newly formed fuel powers their diesel engine cars.

"To make a gallon of bio-diesel, it's about 80 cents," UCF student Michael Schulist said.

Not only cheap, the muddy looking bio-diesel burns cleaner than its petroleum-based cousin.

"Petro-diesel is a very dirty fuel. This is a very clean burning fuel," Schulist said.

It produces less CO2 -- the main threat to our climate -- than gasoline or regular diesel.

"It would limit the amount of pollution we put into the air but it would also save a lot of money," UCF assistant professor Ali Gordon said.

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Comment from: Guy in picture [Visitor]
There was a mistake in the reporting. The processor was actually built for UCF and they are going to make biodiesel to use in their vehicles. They will run 20% biodiesel in their vehicles.
Permalink 05/02/08 @ 16:12

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