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Archives for: December 2007, 11

NEW: Profiles of Florida Biodiesel Businesses:


Permalink 06:12:45 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], News, 140 words   English (US)

Sustainable Biodiesel Summit 2008 - Orlando FL, Feb 2-3

The 5th annual Sustainable Biodiesel Summit (SBS) just so happens to be held in central Florida this year. Each year this grassroots oriented national meeting precedes the National Biodiesel Board's conference.
The SBS, in their own words is:

An annual conference to raise awareness of sustainability and to facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices in the biodiesel industry. Industry professionals meet to exchange best practices, brainstorm ideas, and support each other’s efforts to conduct successful businesses in an environmentally sustainable and socially just manner. The summit focuses not biodiesel for its own sake, but biodiesel as a means to realize greater environmental stewardship, shared economic development (particularly through smaller, community-scale businesses), and a stable, secure, self-reliant energy future.

A listserv for discussions is available. You can view the wrap-up session from 2007 on YouTube. Registration before January first 7th is $100.

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