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Archives for: February 2008, 02

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Permalink 02:39:24 am, Categories: News, 258 words   English (US)

Florida Tech awarded $415k algae based biofuels grant

The Hometown News reports that the Florida Institute of Technology has been awarded a $415,000 grant from the Florida Department of Agriculture. The FIT researchers will work with Aurora Biofuels Inc. of Alameda CA at the Florida Tech Marine lab in Vero Beach FL.

An FIT press release notes this project goal:

A key goal is to produce algae biomass with a high content of triglycerides suitable for conversion to biodiesel and with a high content of valuable omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids, which can augment animal feeds.

For example, adding these products to chicken feeds produces a better-color egg with a high content of desirable omega-3 fatty acids. This creates characteristics valuable to the consumer.

This grant is part of the Farm-to-Fuel initiative spearheaded by commissioner Charles Bronson. The program hopes to reach 25% of Florida's energy needs using its agriculture industry by 2025.

Other biodiesel related grants around the state are:

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