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Post details: Brevard company wins International Sustainable Biofuels award

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Permalink 07:27:58 pm, Categories: News, 122 words   English (US)

Brevard company wins International Sustainable Biofuels award

At the World Biofuels Markets conference, held in Brussels, PetroAlgae's Fred Tennant collected the inaugural "Sustainable Biofuels Technology" award for their algae based biodiesel business. The other nominees were Praj Industries of India and the Institute of New Energy of Tsinghua University of Beijing. PetroAlgae LLC is located in Melbourne, FL with a Research and Development location in Fellsmere FL:

PetroAlgae location in Fellsmere FL

The 7-member Voting Panel based their decision on "greatest sustainability benefits, environmental impact and further societal benefits".

In the announcement PetroAlgae noted:

  • "A 10,000 acre PetroAlgae system would produce over 50 million gallons of biodiesel annually, plus over 600,000 tones of high-protein animal feed meal"
  • "Our algae consume about 2.2 pounds of C02 for every one pound of growth"
  • "we recycle 98% of the water we use"

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