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Permalink 07:02:46 pm, Categories: News, 163 words   English (US)

New ASTM standards boost biodiesel acceptance

The US Nation Biodiesel Board and ASTM announced the publication of new biodiesel blend specifications that describe blends of B5 (5% biodiesel) and B6-B20 (6-20% biodiesel):

  • ASTM D975-08a, Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils — used for on- and off-road diesel applications; revised to include requirements for up to 5 percent biodiesel.
  • ASTM D7467-08, Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blend (B6 to 20) — a completely new specification that covers finished fuel blends of between 6 (B6) and 20 (B20) percent biodiesel for on- and off-road diesel engine use.

50% of US diesel engine manufacturers accept blends up to B20 - the publication of these new standards is expected to raise remaining approvals up from the B5 level. The existing B100 specification, ASTM D6751, was also updated to add a "Cold Soak Filterability Test" to help eliminate solid precipitate in cold conditions that may lead to plugged fuel filters.

The D975 (standard Diesel Fuel specification) update becomes the first official diesel fuel specification from ASTM that includes a non petroleum ingredient.

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