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Archives for: January 2007, 10

NEW: Profiles of Florida Biodiesel Businesses:


Permalink 05:52:54 pm, Categories: News, Background, 123 words   English (US)

What trouble looks like

If you see this: Biodiesel gelling in your biodiesel, you know you're in trouble.

The picture is of a line in my refueling station that has partially gelled palm oil derived B99 biodiesel in it. The station is in an enclosed garage. Overnight, the outside temperature dropped to 47.7 degrees F. The garage temperature near the station dropped to 56.1 degrees F. The outside temperature at the time of the photo was 66.2 degrees F. The garage temperature at the time of the photo was 61.6 degrees F. The temperatures were collected using a $20 weather station.

Past experience says long enough time in warmer weather will re-melt the gel. This visual aid is the main reason a clear fuel line is in use. :)

(Article on our previous cold snap)

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